1. Not sure why I'm sitting in the living room, by myself, and I'm watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's a great show and all, but I think I'm a bit advanced. I already know my shapes and numbers and letters.
2. A bit tired today. I volunteered to work the casino last night as a fundraiser for Ross Glen School. I have always thought it would be fun, and it was a good time! Myself and another mom went early to have a drink, have some munchies, chat and to donate our $20 to the school. Turns out our gab session went a little long and we didn't end up having time to hit the slots before our shift started. We found out later that since we were 'working' we were unable to do any gambling. Had we put any money into the machines, we would have caused some huge trouble and the school could have even lost all monies collected! Not a good move for a couple of rookies.
3. I'm always amazed at what comes out of the kids mouths. Logan comes home from school the other day and shows me an art project that they did. His name was on it as well as another boys. Logan told me that the other boy wanted to take the picture home, so he put his name on it. This just wasn't going to happen because as far as Logan was concerned he had done all the illustrations and the other boy did nothing!
4. What is up with this weather?!? Yesterday was feeling like the start of Spring and now it is
-17 with a -26 windchill. Stupid.
5. Carter had a rough day yesterday. He didn't listen the night before when we asked him to clean up some stuff, so as punishment he wasn't able to play any video games the next day. Man that kid can pout! He hasn't put his DS down for more than a few minutes (to eat breakfast and a snack) since he woke up this morning!
6. Am I the only loser that is hooked on the new 90210? Man I suck!
7. Speaking of losers, I think I just may be the only person that starts a health regime, including diet and exercise, that GAINS weight instead of looses it. It is very frustrating. I need to get the inside scoop from the Calgary Biggest Losers! When do we get to see the website by the way?
8. The boys get a weekend without mom this weekend. I'm heading to Calgary to take another course in BodyTalk. I need to get some cleaning done but I'm wondering if there is any point? Love them dearly, but they are messy little creatures......Mark too!
9. Is CSI ever going to be the same without Grissom? Can't see it happening.
10. According to Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Dictionary:
office - a phrase stating that a male no longer occupies or is in possession of something that belongs to him.
"If he thinks I'm working on Super Bowl Sunday, he's office rocker."
No more Grissom, no more CSI for me! Not sure what to watch anymore. American Idol started again... yeah! I want to strangle some of the women on the Bachelor! Anxious to see how the girl from Alberta does??
Keep on doing your illustrations, Logan!
Keep your room clean Carter!!
How exciting to see a post from you today! Wahoo!!
Logan and Carter are punks...they are funny, but still punks. Tell them auntie says so.
See you in a couple days!
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