Sunday, June 28, 2009

Last Day of School!!

Logan had a great year in grade one. I was a bit worried about him being in a 1/2 split class, but it all worked out for the best.
I had to wake him up on Friday morning!
I asked him if he was excited for the last day of school, and he replied with, ' No, because over the summer I will lose 100% of my smartness!'
I assured him that we would continue to work on his math and keep reading books!
For the awards ceremony, the teachers pick out one student in their class that had worked the hardest all year, so therefore get the 'Most Improved' award.
Logan was the recipient for his class!
Talking with Logan afterwards, I asked him if he was proud of himself. He just gave me a big grin! His teacher approached me a few days earlier to let me know that he would be receiving the award and to make sure I could be there. I think Logan was wondering why I had him dress up a little bit for the last day of school! He figured it out later that I already knew.

Carter got to join in with some of the activities the last week and felt like one of the students. It was really hard to get just a picture of Logan with his teacher!

I'm pretty sure he is ready for school next year!


The Blakeneys said...

Way to go, Logan!! Very cool that the teacher thought you were most improved. We'll be sure to read some books and do some math when I see you this summer!

Len & Melanie said...

Nice work Logan! I always knew you were one smart cookie!